< Heroes
Cross Crunch
After casting an ability, Crunch amplifies his next basic attack to deal (+10% Physical Power) (+10% Magical Power) bonus magical damage and reduce his current cooldowns by 1s.
Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
Forward Crunch
Alternate Ability
Dash forward, dealing 60/90/120/150/180 (+90% Physical Power) (+40% Magical Power) physical damage. Colliding with an Enemy Hero stops Crunch, and Stuns them for 0.25s.
Empowered: Dash an extended distance, Pushing Enemy Heroes on contact.
CD: 18
Cost: 80
Left Crunch
Primary Ability
Crunch swings, dealing 30/60/90/120/150 (+110% Physical Power) (+50% Magical Power) physical damage to the first Enemey hit and 80% to subsequent Targets.
Empowered: Damage is dealt as true damage and deals 100% to subsequent Targets.
CD: 11/10/9/8/7
Cost: 30
Right Crunch
Secondary Ability
Crunch jabs, dealing 70/105/140/175/210 (+80% Physical Power) (+60% Magical Power) physical damage to all nearby Enemies, Slowing them by 60% for 1.2s.
Empowered: Uppercut nearby Enemies, Knocking them Up for 1.2s.
CD: 11/10/9/8/7
Cost: 30
Ultimate Ability
Passive: Every third basic attack or ability hit heals Crunch for 30/85/140 (+10% Physical Power) (+10% Magical Power).
Passive: Every third ability used will be Empowered if used within 10s.
Active: Repeat the last basic ability used.
CD: 60/45/30