< Heroes
Grux's basic attacks apply a Bleed on-hit, dealing 5 (+10% Physical Power) physical damage over 5s, stacking up to 6 times.
Applying maximum Bloodlust stacks to an Enemy Hero grants Grux 10% Omnivamp for 5s.
Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
Double Pain
Alternate Ability
Using both weapons, Grux cleaves all Enemies in front of him, dealing 10/30/50/70/90 (+110% Physical Power) physical damage.
Double Pain applies on-hit effects twice.
CD: 10/9/8/7/6
Cost: 30
Smash 'n Grab
Primary Ability
Smash the ground, sending forth a shockwave that Pulls all Enemies in its path towards Grux, dealing 90/125/160/195/230 (+70% Physical Power) physical damage and Stunning them for 0.5s.
CD: 22/21/20/19/18
Cost: 100
Secondary Ability
Lunge forward a short distance before uppercutting nearby Enemies, dealing 70/100/130/160/190 (+80% Physical Power) physical damage and Knocking them Up for 0.75s.
Colliding with Enemy Heroes or Monsters causes Grux to strike on impact.
CD: 18/17/16/15/14
Cost: 50
Warlord's Challenge
Ultimate Ability
Grux slams his clubs together, Stunning all nearby Enemy Heroes for 0.5s.
For the next 8/10/12s, Grux gains 30/50/70% attack speed and empowers his attacks against Enemy Heroes to repeatedly steal 4/6/8 physical power on-hit, returning after 4s.
CD: 100/80/60
Cost: 100