< Heroes
Spirit Regeneration
Damaging Enemy Heroes and Monsters with basic attacks or abilities grants Khaimera 0.7 health regeneration for 3s, stacking up to 30 times. Hero Kills grant 10 stacks instantly.
Khaimera gains 10% movement speed while above 15 stacks.
Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
Alternate Ability
Leap to an Enemy Hero or Monster, dealing 50/75/100/125/150 (+80% Physical Power) physical damage and Slowing them by 30% for 1.5s. Deals up to 2x damage based on the Target's missing health.
Grants 3 Spirit Regeneration stacks on hit.
CD: 10/9/8/7/6
Cost: 40/45/50/55/60
Primary Ability
Unleash Khaimera's primal spirit for 3s, granting him maximum attack speed for 5 successful attacks.
Each basic attack deals 10/17/24/31/38 (+35% Physical Power) physical damage and Cleaves nearby Enemies for 50% damage.
CD: 13/11/9/7/5
Cost: 40
Secondary Ability
Khaimera instantly Cleanses all Debuffs and heals himself for 7/9/11/13/15% of his maximum health (+1.5x current health regeneration).
Cleansing grants Crowd Control Immunity for 0.5s.
CD: 22/20/18/16/14
Cost: 60/70/80/90/100
Ultimate Ability
After a brief channel, Khaimera slices all Enemies in front of him, Stunning them for 1.25s and dealing 175/375/575 (+160% Physical Power) physical damage over 6 hits.
Grants 5 Spirit Regeneration stacks for each Enemy Hero hit.
CD: 110/85/60
Cost: 100