< Heroes
Narbash's basic attacks and abilities generate stacks of Rhythm that improve his abilities, stacking up to 24 times. Stacks fall off individually after 10s.
At maximum stacks, gain 2 (+4 per nearby Allied Hero) mana regeneration for 5s.
Basic Attack
Melee basic attack dealing physical damage.
Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit.
Alternate Ability
Toss a drumstick that deals 90/130/170/210/250 (+50% Magical Power) magical damage and Stuns for 1.25s.
Thunk's cooldown is reduced by 1% per Rhythm stack.
Grants 2 Rhythm stacks on hit.
CD: 17/16/15/14/13
Cost: 50
Primary Ability
Bellow out a rallying war cry, granting Narbash and his nearby Allies 30% decaying movement speed for 2s (+0.2s per Rhythm stack).
Grants 6 Rhythm stacks on use.
CD: 16/14/12/10/8
Cost: 60
Song of My People
Secondary Ability
Toggle: Play a soothing beat, healing Narbash and his nearby Allies by 5/10/15/20/25 (+10% Magical Power) (+0.3/0.35/0.4/0.45/0.5 per Rhythm stack) each second.
Each second the beat is active, it costs 10/15/20/25/30 mana and grants 1 Rhythm stack.
CD: 1
Cost: 10/15/20/25/30
Crash Bang Boom!
Ultimate Ability
Channel a drum solo for 3s, granting Narbash 30% damage reduction. Nearby Enemies are Slowed by 40% and take 200/300/400 (+60% Magical Power) (+2% per Rhythm stack) magical damage over 10 hits, with the final hit Knocking Up all Enemies and Stunning them for 1.5s.
Grants 2 Rhythm stacks each hit.
CD: 120/110/100
Cost: 100